Photo of plants in vases. Are you looking for new ways to manage your anxiety? Discover how anxiety therapy in Denver, CO can provide you with support in coping with your symptoms.

Anxiety Therapy in Denver, CO

Anxiety therapy is about so much more than simply ‘treating’ what we can see on the surface.

Anxiety is usually rooted in something deeper — core emotions like fear, anger, or sadness — that feel far too overwhelming for us to tap into and process fully on our own. This is actually how our nervous systems learn to regulate and keep us ‘okay enough’ throughout all of the bumps in the road. So, as backward as it may sound, anxiety is actually serving a really important and protective role.

You may be wondering what the hell we do with that, which is so valid. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s important to name that your experience is entirely unique and our hope would be to co-create a roadmap with you at the start of our work together. That being said, we can also share a typical starting point for anxiety therapy.

The first step in anxiety therapy is often to uncover the ways anxiety has been adaptive for you and to honor the role it plays. Of course, we know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and that you deserve to feel better. That’s where safe, connection-centered therapy comes into play. Together, we can peel back the layers, process through the emotion that’s stuck under the surface, and support your nervous system in creating a new way of dealing with heavy experiences.


Connection-Centered Anxiety Therapy

In our work together, you’re in the driver’s seat, and there are no judgments, rules, or expectations. We trust that you, and you alone, are capable of knowing what your body needs, and that our role is to be the most passionate and attuned member of your team, supporting you wholeheartedly along the way. We utilize AEDP Therapy and EMDR Therapy in tandem to support clients with anxiety.

You might be wondering what this actually looks and feels like in practice. The answer to this is twofold; the space we co-create with clients is both entirely unique to you and grounded in our therapists’ shared values and advanced training in anxiety therapy. We will focus on our relationship with you, the emotional experiences happening at the moment throughout our session, and how you experience them in your body. If you’d like to learn more about our AEDP approach to anxiety therapy, check out Hilary Jacobs-Hendel’s book It’s Not Always Depression and our blog on The Change Triangle.

Photo of a picture frame with a graphic inside on a table. Anxiety symptoms can be overwhelming. Learn how anxiety therapy in Denver, CO can help you begin to overcome your symptoms in a healthy way.

Somatic Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety has a sneaky way of showing up in our bodies.

You may have heard the age-old saying “The body keeps the score” which refers to our nervous system’s capacity to hold onto old, unprocessed emotional experiences and traumas. Even when our nervous system has done its job to keep us safe. Often by putting the painful stuff in a box and storing it on the highest, farthest shelf where we can’t see it. Our bodies still ‘keep the score’ by remembering what’s tucked away in that box and warning us when there might be another threat, either real or perceived.

The more that’s in the box and the longer it’s been stored away, the more sensitive our threat gauge becomes, often causing it to over-function and perceive threats when they aren’t actually present anymore. Physical (aka somatic) symptoms of anxiety are simply signals from your nervous system that you might not be safe.

Somatic symptoms of anxiety can look like this:

  • feeling jittery or shakey                     

  • a fast heartbeat, pounding heartbeat, or heart palpitations

  • sweating or feeling hot  

  • nausea and GI upset

  • tightness in your muscles and chest 

  • shallow breathing or holding your breath

Somatic anxiety therapy addresses anxiety at the root. Together, we can process through the stuff in the box that’s been too heavy to hold alone and find tools to regulate your anxiety which will allow your nervous system to settle into a new, regulated baseline.


blogs: Anxiety therapy


all about anxiety: uncovering its roots and ways to address it


how trauma can be the root cause of anxiety + how therapy can help


tools to regulate anxiety and calm your nervous system


Social Anxiety

Anxiety is overwhelming and isolating enough as it is. When it seeps into our capacity to engage in daily connection with others, the impacts of anxiety can seemingly snowball. What do we do when we know that anxiety thrives in isolation and is often the root of isolation itself?

Anxiety therapy can be a transformative space to work with this double-edged sword.


Parts Work Therapy for Anxiety

we all have different ‘parts’ of ourselves that hold onto past life experiences, learned narratives, and traumas.

When these parts aren’t recognized or attuned to, they often carry with us old wounds that create painful experiences - such as anxiety - in the present day.

Parts work therapy (sometimes referred to as inner-child therapy) allows us to access the root of our anxieties by connecting with the past parts of ourselves that are hurting and creating new, healing experiences in the present moment.

Through this process, we can actually rewire our brain and create new neural networks that allow us to come out of persistent states of anxiety and access a state of calm and connection.

You can learn more about what parts work therapy for anxiety looks like through our blog or by reaching out for a free consultation.

Photo of a vase with flowers sitting on a table. By attending anxiety therapy in Denver, CO you can find new ways to begin coping with your symptoms. Find support here.

Let’s Get Started: Anxiety Therapy in Denver, CO


1. reach out to schedule a free 20-minute consult call at CZ Therapy Group


2. connect with a CZTG anxiety therapist in Denver, CO


3. begin your journey of healing, growth + Transformation!


Other CZTG Therapy Offerings in Denver, CO